Dua e qunoot word to word Engliah Urdu translation

دعاء القنوت

Dua e qunoot word to word English and Urdu translation To learn Dua e qunoot it is best to translate it from Arabic language to  English and Urdu word to word .In this way you can easily understand its meaning and it  become easy to memorize. I am hopeful that this will help you to […]

Dua Qunoot with urdu traslation and Pdf

دعاء القنوت

Dua Qonoot with English Urdu Translation(Download Pdf) Qunoot is defined as: supplication, submission, obedience, worship, and prayer . Muslims recite Qunoot in the Witr prayer and at calamities and disasters, and in the five daily prayers, and it is in the last rak’ah before or after bowing; He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon […]